This week saw six of our Beagles head to London for the mini marathon.

London mini marathon

The London marathon is a real goal for many runners and is always a really special time of the year for everyone in the running community. Held the final time in October the ballot for the April 2023 marathon is now open and we would encourage any adult to enter. We can definitely help you with a plan if you’re successful!

For our juniors though – six of them had already shown their strength by the qualifying to represent the London borough of Havering in the mini marathon on Saturday. The 2.6km mini marathon is actually two races in one – a Borough challenge for all children that live within the London borough’s, and then the overall race which includes those from the country as a whole. The results below show performances in both races and we hope you agree that these are some very impressive runs.

Max Sanderson – U15B – 9.14 – 117th (55th place London borough’s competition)

Mattie Delea – U13B – 9.22 – 58th (16th place London borough’s competition)

Ollie Johnson – U13B –  10:48 – 168th (110th place London borough’s competition)

Isabel Forrest – U13G – 9:59 – 54th (14th London borough’s competition)

Olivia Forrest – U15G – 9:02 -18th (2nd place London borough’s competition)

Evie Warn – U15G – 9:53 – 91st (29th place London borough’s competition)

Next year, the planned mass participation event will see more Beagles eligible to participate in the 1 mile race ahead of the main Mini Marathon. This is in April 2023 so not too far away in the future and we will be assembling lists of Beagles interested in this event alongside the Mini Marathon. Mini Marathon athletes will still need to qulify but for the 1 mile event, we should be able to enter a team… watch this space.

For adult athletes, now is the time to enter the Ballot here. Keep in mind the club will have places allocated for the 2023 London Marathon and we will use our own ballot approach to making these available to our registered adult athletes. Interested in running a marathon and representing the club? We provide full training and a comprehensive plan for all our adult athletes. Speak to a coach on a training night or book a zoom to discuss it with us further.

Parkrun and junior parkrun

Saturday saw our Beagles running at various different parkrun events. At Brentwood (where we hope lot of you will be joining us for our takeover next week), Daniel Jaycock led the senior Beagles charge with a run of 21:29. Stuart Crowther finished next in 22:13 and Steve Danby in 23:29. Doing the junior Beagles proud was Madison Kindler with a time of 25:22 and Jasper Jaycock in 27:45. Elsewhere at Raphael’s Park George Ashton ran a new PB of 18:48 with Emily Brewington  running a solid 26:38. At Chalkwell Beach Laura Durn ran strongly to finish in 22:42.

On Sunday, Nora Heidemans, showed consistency with a 10:36 run at Lake Meadows junior parkrun, whilst over at Harrow Lodge Stephanie Smith ran a new PB of 8:34 and Emily Johnson took her new PB down to 10:34. Well done to the other Beagles who ran on Sunday – Isabel Forrest (7:40), Madison Kindler (7:58), Ollie Trevor (9:02) Emily Brewington (9:46), Alice Jones (11:59), Zoe Jones (12:04) and Henley Jeffery (12:18). Well done to all.

Coming Up

Next weekend we have our Brentwood parkrun takeover and hope that as many of you as possible will join us to show the local community how amazing our athletes are – remember if running with your athlete and they are under 11, you will need to be able to keep up with them!