Brentwood Beagles News
  1. December Adventures
  2. Cancelled due to ideal XC weather!
  3. Continuing Cross Country Adventures!
  4. Winning in Wales!
  5. Relay Champions!


Chair – Elaine Forrest

Elaine has overall control of the club giving it focus, direction and structure. Her role is to ensure the club delivers on its constitution and that the athletes, coaches and volunteers of the club are proud to be associated with it. She represents the club in the wider community and chairs committee meetings, holding the casting vote if needed. Elaine is also the DBS verifier for the Club.

Club Secretary – Barrie Geater

Barrie is the principal administrator of the Club and ensures that it is run in an appropriate, fair and transparent way.

Treasurer – Angela Hawkins

Angela is responsible for managing income and expenditure, reimbursing expenses, producing statements of accounts at the AGM and maintaining financial records to satisfy the auditor.

Vice Chair & Fixtures Secretary – Vicky Trevor

Vicky leads on organising our Open Meetings, as well as league, inter club and friendly competitions for all the teams in the club. She will liaise with the wider Essex County running committees and ensure that the club is able to compete at fixtures throughout the season.

Membership Secretary – Paul Johnson

Paul is the first port of call for new and existing members who have any queries with being part of the club. His role involves processing new applications and maintaining the database of members and subscriptions. In addition he registers athletes with England Athletics and deals with affiliation queries. Paul reports to the Committee regarding new members, resignations and lapsed members.

Fundraising Secretary – Rob Trevor

Rob leads our efforts to create outreach to local businesses and organisations who may be able to help the Brentwood Beagles with volunteer support, grants, sponsorship or equipment donations.  If you think you may be able to support us, and would like to to learn more about how your business or organisation can help, contact Rob here:

Head of Coaching – Paul Forrest

Paul is in charge of all aspects of the on and off track athlete offering as well as leading the coaching team. He is responsible for the coaching structure, to assist athletes to improve their performances; arrange mentors to support coaches to progress to the level they aspire to; and recruit new coaches.  Interested in becoming a coach?  Learn more here.

Welfare Officers – Justin Waithe & Emma Delea

Justin and Emma’s primary role is to promote the club’s policy and procedures for the protection and wellbeing of children and vulnerable adults. They will advise and support the club officers and committee to implement UKA and England Athletics’ welfare policies and procedures. If you ever have a concern over any matters in connection with the club or individuals, then the Club Welfare Officer should be your first point of contact.

Additional Committee Members – Michelle Kindler, Kate Hearn, Elliot Worth, Amy Smith, Robin Smith
Additional elected members of the committee provide general support and oversight to the club, supporting other committee members on specific activities as required.

All members of the committee are elected on a yearly basis and will stand for re-election at the AGM each March inline with guidance for England Athletics.