Brentwood Beagles News
  1. December Adventures
  2. Cancelled due to ideal XC weather!
  3. Continuing Cross Country Adventures!
  4. Winning in Wales!
  5. Relay Champions!


Please use this form to contact BBAC.  If you wish to contact a coach to discuss training and planning for your activities, please use the Zoom booking link on the coaching page.  If you need to contact England Athletics re athlete registration or related matters, use this link.



As an alternative to using this form, you can reach us through our various social media channels linked at the top and bottom of most pages or email us directly using the email address

On most pages, you’ll find relevant club contacts for specific activities or issues.  If you’re still struggling to reach us after all of the above, you can use the ‘WhatsApp’ chat button that appears on each page bottom right.  Please remember when contacting us, we will store and process your contact details per our privacy policy.  This will allow us to respond to you  in a timely fashion.  Remember also to provide the best method of reaching you with the minimum inconvenience.  Whilst we will always attempt to get back to you as quickly as possible, the club is staffed entirely by volunteers so there may be delay of a few hours before we can get back to you.