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Blood Lactate Testing


This a service using our cutting-edge Blood Lactate Testing that we offer free to members of the Beagles to help unlock your full athletic potential. Whether you’re an elite athlete or a club running endurance runner looking to maximise your workouts, understanding your body’s response to exercise is critical. Blood lactate testing is the gold standard for assessing your aerobic and anaerobic fitness levels, helping you tailor your training and achieve your goals efficiently. TLDR; Speak to your coach at the next training session.

What is Blood Lactate Testing?

Blood lactate testing is a non-invasive procedure that measures the concentration of lactate in your blood. It provides valuable insights into how your body responds to different exercise intensities. During exercise, your muscles produce lactate as a byproduct. By analysing your blood lactate levels at various stages of exercise, we can pinpoint your individual lactate threshold, helping you fine-tune your training for optimal results.

How It Works

Blood lactate testing is a comprehensive assessment that involves a series of steps to understand your body’s response to exercise. Here’s a more in-depth look at the process:

  • Initial Consultation: Your journey begins with an initial consultation with our experienced endurance event group coaches. During this consultation, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your performance goals, previous training history and any specific questions or concerns you may have. This discussion helps us tailor the testing protocol to your individual needs.
  • Baseline Measurements: To ensure accurate and meaningful results, we’ll take baseline measurements, including your resting heart rate and blood pressure. These measurements provide valuable context for interpreting your blood lactate levels during exercise.
  • Preparation and Rest: In the days leading up to your testing session, it’s essential to stay well-hydrated to ensure reliable results. To prevent fatigue and obtain accurate data, we recommend avoiding strenuous exercise for at least 24 hours before your session.
  • Fasting: On the day of the test, it’s important to fast for at least 2 hours before the session. This means refraining from eating or drinking anything other than water. Fasting helps ensure that the results accurately reflect your body’s metabolic response to exercise.
  • Testing Session: The testing session itself typically takes place in a controlled environment, such as our fitness facility. You’ll perform a series of incremental exercises on equipment like a stationary bike or treadmill. These exercises gradually increase in intensity, allowing us to monitor your physiological responses.
  • Blood Sample Collection: Throughout the testing session, we will collect small blood samples at regular intervals. This is typically done through a small pinprick, which is virtually painless. The collected blood samples are then analysed in real-time to measure your lactate levels.

What’s Involved

Here’s a more detailed breakdown of what’s involved in the blood lactate testing process:

  • Precise Measurements: Our state-of-the-art equipment and expert coaches ensure accurate and precise measurements of lactate levels in your blood. This data is collected at specific exercise intensities to create a lactate profile unique to you.
  • Personalised Analysis: We will meticulously analyse the data collected during the testing session. This analysis includes identifying your lactate threshold, aerobic and anaerobic zones and other related metrics.
  • Customised Training Zones: Based on your results, we’ll provide you with personalised training zones. These zones help you optimise your workouts, ensuring that you train at the right intensity to achieve your fitness goals.
  • Comprehensive Report: You’ll receive a comprehensive report that outlines your test results, training zones and recommendations for structuring your training regimen. This report serves as a valuable guide for your fitness journey.

You’ll gain deep insights into your body’s response to exercise. This knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions about your training, leading to more effective workouts, improved performance and a greater understanding of your fitness potential.


  • Hydration: Proper hydration is important for accurate blood lactate testing. In the days leading up to your session, make an effort to stay well-hydrated. This ensures that your body’s physiological responses are not affected by dehydration, which can lead to less reliable results.
  • Rest and Recovery: To obtain meaningful data, it’s essential to avoid strenuous exercise for at least 24 hours before your testing session. Yep… we know this is difficult for endurance athletes but this period of rest allows your body to recover fully, minimising any residual fatigue that might impact the test results.
  • Fasting Guidelines: On the day of your test, follow fasting guidelines closely. Refrain from eating any food or consuming any drinks (other than water) for at least 2 hours before the session. Fasting helps establish a consistent metabolic baseline, ensuring that the results accurately reflect your body’s response to exercise – of specific note, try to avoid taking any lactate buffer products ahed of testing!
  • Comfortable Attire: Wear comfortable workout attire that allows for a full range of motion. This ensures that you can perform the exercise protocol comfortably and without restrictions.
  • Footwear: If you have a preference for specific shoes or spikes, feel free to bring them. You should be in footwear that you are comfortable exercising in.
  • Arrival: Arrive at our track a little earlier than your scheduled appointment to complete any necessary paperwork and have a brief consultation with our coaches. This ensures that you’re fully prepared for the testing session.

Blood lactate testing is a non-invasive procedure that measures the concentration of lactate in your blood. It provides valuable insights into how your body responds to different exercise intensities. During exercise, your muscles produce lactate as a byproduct. By analysing your blood lactate levels at various stages of exercise, we can pinpoint your individual lactate threshold, helping you fine-tune your training for optimal results. For details of our testing sessions and for a pre testing consultation, members should book a consultation here.