Brentwood Beagles News
  1. December Adventures
  2. Cancelled due to ideal XC weather!
  3. Continuing Cross Country Adventures!
  4. Winning in Wales!
  5. Relay Champions!


Please note the Events & Fixtures Page is continuously updated and populated for the year ahead – please check back regularly.  If you are looking for results previous athletics meets and fixtures in the UK visit Power of 10. For previous events and club performances for Brentwood Beagles’ Athletes, please visit our news page.

Current Month

Something Missing from the Fixtures Page?

If you discover a fixture or event that appears to be missing, please let us know and we will ensure it is added to the system.  This is a ‘human managed’ process so there may be the occasional fixture missed off the list!

Where possible, we will write up club performances and attendance at fixtures and events by members of the club.  If you think your recent performance deserves to be shouted about… and we’re sure you do/it does, send us details and any photographs or videos and we will feature them on the media page.

Remember, as a member of the Beagles, there is absolutely no pressure to compete but if you chose. Not sure what event to focus on for your next competition?  Contact a coach via the coaching page to discuss the competition calendar in the context of your current training.