Media: Videos and images from club events and club advertising. This page will also curate interesting track and field videos, podcasts and images as a bank of ‘useful resources’.
Please also check out our social media using the links at the bottom the page and our own news and article archive here.
If you wish to write an article, or provide us with video/podcasts or photographs from training or competition, please ensure you have the relevant consents as appropriate. Once confirmed, please contact us to discuss what you have in mind. We will work with you to ensure it is suitable for our club audience.
From time to time, we will host media and link to it here to allow athletes to find and utilise interesting resources from the world of track and field athletics. This will also include articles from guest coaches and sports scientists.
If you are a parent or carer for a young athlete and do not wish photographs to appear on the website or on social media, please let us know and we will ensure that such photographs are removed for our libraries.
If you are an accredited press photographer or journalist and you wish to discuss the club with us, please contact us here.