Brentwood Beagles News
  1. December Adventures
  2. Cancelled due to ideal XC weather!
  3. Continuing Cross Country Adventures!
  4. Winning in Wales!
  5. Relay Champions!

Brentwood Beagles Club Championships

02sep11:0015:00Brentwood Beagles Club ChampionshipsPlease see the Spond invite for entry form11:00 - 15:00(GMT+01:00) Middleton Hall Lane

Event Details

Our annual celebration of the progress made by our Beagles during the year. The entry form is available on the Spond link and the event is only open to Beagles members.

Please use one form for each athlete. A reminder that all athletes can do up to 3 events each and only those suitable for their age group. Your child can compete in the events shown for the school year they were in when they left school in July and NOT the one they return to in September. Any problems / questions email

Entries close at midnight on Thursday 31st August – you must enter to take part and no late entries will be accepted.

Track events (in order they will be held. Please note final timetable will depend on number of entries):

800m – U13 upwards

50m – U7 (Rec/Yr1)

60m – U9 (Yr2/3)

75m – U11 (Yr 4/5)

100m – U13 upwards

600m – U11 (Yr 4/5)

300m – U15B / U15G / U17W

400m – U17M/ Sen men / Sen women

400m – U9 (Yr2/3)

150m – U7 (Rec/ Yr1)

1500m – U13 upwards

200m – U13 upwards

Field events (will take place alongside track events. Final timetable to be determined)

Long jump – all ages

High jump – U11 (Yr5/6) upwards

Triple jump – U15 upwards

Nerf throw – U7/9/11 (Rec-Yr5)

Medal presentations will take place throughout the day.



2 September 2023 11:00 - 15:00(GMT+00:00)


Brentwood Beagles Athletics Club

Middleton Hall Lane

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